Friday, April 17, 2009

Hung Over

Don't you hate it when you drink too much?  I went to a party last night.. a Tea Party.  I'd like to say it was like being drunk. It was actually quite sobering but also exhilarating!  I almost didn't go, but thanks to my good friend Todd (aka Cave Man), I had a wingman and was able to make my pilgrimage down to the Capitol to have my say.  It's not very often that you get to stand in crowd of 15,000 and feel so connected with so many people. Strangely enough, I didn't see any Kool-Aid stands anywhere.  What I did see was Americans of every age, babies to grandparents, standing shoulder to shoulder with a common goal... to be heard.  It's a powerful thing to hear that many people chanting "Less Tax, More Freedom" in unison over and over and over.  Perhaps this is a good time to re-watch the movie Braveheart. 

This guy felt the same thing... IMG00013(disclamer:  the pictures I took last night, well they suck.  I thought I would be cool and hip and use my new Blackberry as my camera of choice.  You see everyone doing it.  I promise to never make that mistake again.  I hate it when I'm stupid.)  


The best part of the night was reading all the signs!  My favorite, of course...


This one was a close second... 


These guys were a crowd favorite!  Somehow, I don't think big orange Home Depot would be too excited that they used blank signs from work.  I personally give them an A+. 


The main focus of course was the FairTax and our crappy tax system that our new tax commissioner can't even figure out without screwing it up.  Gee, I wonder why, the tax code is now 70,000 pages long.  If you go to the US Government Printing Office ( ), you can order a complete set of Title 26 of the US Code of Federal Regulations (that's the part written by the IRS), all twenty volumes of it, at the bargain price of $974, shipping included.  IMG00025

The secondary focus was what they are doing with all the money they are stealing from us.


So there you have it, my experience in a nutshell.  Are you mad yet?  Are you mad enough to stand with us and make your voice heard?  I'll be going again, with Todd and whoever else wants to join us.  Next time I will have my own sign, taped to a broom, saying "Lets clean out Congress!"  (Can't seem to get away from my domestic leanings.)  Or perhaps an enema bag with the words "Washington needs and enema!"  Saw that last night. 

And what was the response from The One? 

President Barack Obama said Wednesday that he's already delivered the most progressive tax cut in history, with 95% of families getting a tax break in every paycheck.

Close to 50% of Americans don't pay any taxes so let's noodle this out...they don't pay anything but they get money back...  It's called welfare, folks.  Translation...  IMG00029

What are YOU going to do about it?  Nothing? Then I don't want to hear one complaint out of any of you unless you are standing with us next time.  Bring your own sign and a real camera.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

you go girl :)

hey, did you see where 'they' (homeland security) are calling us right wing terrorists??????? talk about wtf.