Do you remember back in second grade when your teacher asked you to draw a picture of what the future might look like? I mostly remember all the drawings of flying cars, fantastic skyscrapers and metallic looking jumpsuits. I have to say that I never, ever had a vision of anything sinister or apocalyptic.. I never worried about the Earth flooding, drying up or that if I didn't recycle my milk carton, a polar bear would certainly die a slow and painful death of starvation and hot flashes. I only dreamed of a happy life and looked forward to traveling and seeing some of the beautiful sights in our world. (Which thankfully, I have been so lucky to do!) However, there was this one gentle reminder
Today's kids aren't quite so lucky. Wednesday, as I'm sure you all were reminded everywhere you turned, was Earth Day. A day for reflection and appreciation of all the beautiful and wondrous things that our planet has to offer getting brainwashed that you are destroying our planet with every move you make. WTF? Okay, hear me out on this. Our children are getting the holy hell scared out of them! A new study has emerged and the numbers have saddened me beyond belief. You can read for yourself here Basically, one out of every three children aged 6 to 11 fears that Earth won't exist when they grow up. Minority kids have it worst; 75 percent of black children and 65 percent of Hispanic children believe that the planet will be irrevocably damaged by the time they reach adulthood. Why are we allowing this blatant and untruthful abuse to be force fed to our children without a second thought? Is there no innocence left? Why should they bother to care whether they stay healthy, get a good education and have dreams if it's all going to be over in less than 20 years?
Please don't assume that I'm not teaching my boys the proper amount of respect and admiration for Mother Earth. I even pay extra every month so we can recycle and the boys love to help put plastic in the special bin and carry it to the street on the proper day. They also know to never, ever leave trash anywhere and pick up after all the other slobs when we are at parks etc. I will, however, continue to de-program them whenever the opportunity strikes. Example: Mommy and Seager are brushing their teeth. Mommy turns on hot water to wash faces and hands. Seager keeps turning water off and scolding Mommy "you're wasting water!" How in the hell will I ever get to wash my face with HOT water if I can't let the tap run long enough for the damn hot water to get to the second story of the house? What should be a simple bedtime ritual has turned into a frustrating reminder of my inability to control all the crap drummed into the little minds that have been entrusted to me to mold into logical, free thinking human beings. And I don't even send my kids to the government for schooling! Imagine how bad it could be.......Good God!
So, back to the "good ole days", you all remember School House Rock!
Well, our good friends at Disney have created Schoolhouse Rock! Earth. New songs for a new generation - The Schoolhouse goes Green! Don't have a youtube link yet but you can click here and get a sampling.
Here are the song titles on the new DVD
1. Report from the North Pole
2. The Little Things We Do
3. The Trash Can Band
4. You Oughta Be Savin’ Water
5. The Rainforest
6. Save the Ocean
7. FatCat Blue: The Clean Rivers Song
8. A Tiny Urban Zoo
9. Solar Power to the People
10. Windy and the Windmills
11. Don’t be a Carbon Sasquatch
These are real, I did not make them up.
Never mind that too many kids can't read or spell or write a complete sentence or make simple change or know a little bit of history or learn that their body is full of bones. (All of which you can learn from various School House Rock classic videos). Let's focus on indoctrinating these kids and filling their minds with political issues created to scare the living hell out of them. All this so they will feel comforted when the almighty Government "saves" them and the planet from certain doom by taxing them into oblivion. Actually, I'd like to put my carbon footprint right up Al Gore's increasingly expanding ass.
I don't know if you've noticed, but I tend to always have some global warming sarcasm in almost everything I write. There is a reason for that. IT'S A LOAD OF CRAP! Is there climate change, of course. Our planet has warmed and cooled many times over thousands of years. Why the hell do you think Greenland is named Green Land? It used to be green. Duh. Are we doing bad things to our planet, of course. But we,. as stupid polluting humans, are not causing the Earth to warm. It has, in fact, been cooling over the past 10 years. Thank God most people are starting to get that they have been lied to and led down a path of deception. I'll save further discussion of that for another day. Perhaps when Hurricane season hits and everyone is wringing their hands in despair.
Please, talk to your kids. Let them know that everything will be ok and Mother Earth will be here for them, slightly bruised, but here for their enjoyment. And if a comet slams into Earth and kills us all, oh well, never mind.
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