The examples of crazy just get more and more bizarre. We go from the OctoMom nut job story (which I called before her tell all interviews) to the latest sad, sad story...Travis and his violent death.
This is Travis and his story is so very sad on so many levels.
First off, what kind of person would sit for over 12 minutes and listen to the entire 911 tape of a hysterical woman pleading with authorities to bring a gun and shoot her live-in companion? Well, that would be me. Good grief, what does that say about me? Have we, as humans, completely lost all sense of reason, sanity, morals and common sense? Me included? (just the common sense part, not the reason, sanity and morals part).
Anyway, Travis had a good life, great actually. His human companion raised him from a newborn and treated him as any other family member. She fed him steak, lobster and ice cream. He could eat at the table, drink wine from a stemmed glass, use the toilet, and dress and bathe himself. He brushed his teeth with a Water Pik, logged on to a computer to look at photos and channel-surfed television with the remote control. She even made him a TV star! Sounds like a life of luxury for lucky Travis. After Sandra, his loving companion, lost her husband and daughter, Travis was there for her. He even slept with her...he's 200 pounds.
Now I'm sure there are women out there who would be so lucky to have a husband half as good or as smart as that (I'm not referring to anyone I know, of course) but it's still a little wonky to me. So, here is Travis, living the good life until something goes horribly wrong. He had health problems, was a little anxious and Sandra just wanted to help. Here ya go honey, sip this tea laced with Xanax. You'll calm right down.
Fast forward to all hell breaking loose, a friend is called to help. Friend arrives and ..well you've heard the rest. I doubt you heard what I did on the tape, but you got the jist of it.
I guess what was so sad to me was the way poor Travis had to die. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been killed but...
he was given a mind altering drug
approached by a strange woman with Elmo
while attacking said woman and Elmo he was stabbed by Sandra (his adoptive Mother) and beaten with a shovel
police arrive and he is shot several times
and poor Travis, still not dead, (why the police couldn't get that done I just don't understand) wanders back into his home and crawls into his bed to die, alone, bleeding and confused.
And you're thinking, why isn't she sad about the woman who had her hands ripped off and her face chewed off and will suffer miserably for the rest of her life. I am sorry for her, BUT the level of stupidity on the part of these two women dulls my sympathy for them both.
Sandra admitted that one day Travis would be too aggressive to live with her. If you are stupid enough to have a wild animal SLEEPING WITH YOU, then wouldn't you have a gun with a tranquilizer dart at the very least? This woman screamed and begged to 911 for 12 minutes to "bring a gun!" "shoot him!" over and over and over as she watched him mutilate her friend. She has now denied giving the Xanax and has stated that is was just a horrible freak tragedy. You got that right, lady; you are truly a freak and your faceless and handless friend is an awful tragedy. WTF.
Then this... I don't even have words! Well, I do, but this was supposed to be a non-political story.
1 comment:
after seeing "generation RX" i am not surprised that the drug seemed to spur this violent behavior.
great movie. you can get in on netflix.
it is mind boggling how many fruit loops there are 'out there'. every day i am amazed at the behavior of people. in general.
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