Friday, February 27, 2009

Richard, A Guest Star Again

I'm on my way out of town to bid farewell to a family member who has crossed to the other side and joins many others that have gone before her.  I am sure she is quite happy to be "catching up" with everyone there.  Enjoy it Aunt Wanda, you deserve it!  We will miss you!

Meanwhile, back here in the world of insanity, Richard will enlighten us once again.  Take it away, Richard...

The last depression lasted 12 years and only WW II was able to stop it. Our current man-made stalled economy will not recover with government bailouts alone. It takes a little less greed and thousands of businesses trusting that Washington is through meddling with our money.

       Part of the problem is the refusal to let anyone discuss how we got into this mess. Those intellectuals that caused it are the ones in charge of the recovery proving that money alone will not solve the problem. The sad part is millions have lost their life's savings because one political party wanted to increase their voting base. As one bailout after another failed, businesses declared bankruptcy and unemployment rolls became the target politicians had to fix. Too many contributing constituents were caught in the net.

      It would be nice to know that at some point government would cease throwing taxpayer money at a problem they created. How long the recovery will take is anyone's guess since the failed home mortgages are still bundled for auction at Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. No one seems to have the answer to that miscue. 

      Meanwhile, the decision has to be made whether or not this disaster will be a simple recession or go on to a full blown depression. Only the Federal Government can make that decision, depending on the amount of money wasted. People satisfied with driving our last president out of office with a low approval rating will find a host of problems with the NEW president they had not counted on. Global warming --- yeh, right --- , getting rid of fossil fuel products, and a multi-trillion debt with interest.

       Eighth grade math will tell you it is impossible to equate the cost of two wars to the cost of imported oil at four times the amount. Printed money has a bad habit of causing inflation when printing is used to produce more money. Has anyone ever counted to a trillion? If you counted one number every second of time for forty years, you might make it. That doesn't account for food, bathroom breaks, sleeping etc.

        There is one tidbit coming out of this $800 plus billion stimulus package, one taken from the Tom Dashle book on national health care. A new federal agency will be formed to administer to the entire population's medical records. Doctors will be required to submit medical treatments for a patient to this agency for approval --- the purpose is to determine if the service is cost effected. Senior citizen treatment and others with no hope of recovery will be refused treatment if the agency determines its guidelines dictate that decision. Come on people, doctors have too many bosses meddling in their practices now. They certainly don't need another one.

         I sincerely hope that there is a misunderstanding to this latest agency and I have to immediately ask, what has this to do with returning citizens back to work.  

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