Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Littlest Maxwell Celebrates

Three years ago today at 8:14 p.m., we welcomed our sweet Dagon into the family and we haven't been the same since!  To acknowledge this most special event, we have spent our weekend celebrating with friends and family.  I have received numerous kisses and hugs from the birthday boy stating that he had a wonderful birthday.  Pictures?????  Of course!

We begin, as always, at Los Reyes for the initial celebration.  It was a big event with several friends and Mamaw in attendance.  dagon bday1

dagon bday2

Dagon gets some extra help from big brother...  dagon bday3

and a toy inspection from Mya and some other helpers!  dagon bday5After a good dose of pure sugar...

dagon bday4 Dagon ended his evening getting scanned by his new robot! dagon bday6

Fast forward to the big day...Dagon gets a visit from his Papoo, Aunt Katrina, Aunt Lori, his cousins Brooklyn and Josh, and Mamaw (still in attendance).  Big Daddy smoked some pig on Saturday and we enjoyed BBQ sandwiches for lunch.  Then it was time for the big event!

dagon bday7

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Woo Hoo...I'm gonna get my wish this year!

dagon bday10

He received a new computer school keyboard and software, phonics schoolbooks, a hot potato and no birthday is complete for a little boy without the cheesy plastic laser gun and sword that lights up and makes lots of noise.  Notice Seager eyeballing those and planning his cosmic takeover of the weaponry! dagon bday11

dagon bday13 And of course, the last dose of pure sugar!  Sadly, poor Dagon is destined for a lifetime of birthday pictures with a pink face.  It's just too hard to pass up all the half price Valentine Cupcakes! 

Happy Birthday Dagon from your very frugal parents, family and cherished friends!

and from us to all of you...

Happy Valentine's Day!

we really enjoyed the cupcakes and candy you didn't buy!


1 comment:

Tiffany said...

i cannot believe he is 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a doll. your boys are seriously cute. i enjoyed the pictures!!!