Friday, February 06, 2009

Outrage for the Innocents

I'm sure you've heard the story.  It started out like such a surprise...a miracle, "mother gives birth to eight babies".  Then the real story starts to emerge.  Little tidbits of information come forth.  Just small details:  Mom is divorced and single, suffers from depression, lives with parents on disability, in a small three bedroom home, has six other kids, one is autistic, and they are all under the age of 7.  Just details.  Then one more tiny detail... all created by invitro. Huh????  WTF!!!!????

You scratch your head and start thinking this thing through.  Who the hell in their right mind would do such a thing?  Who the hell in their right mind would allow such a thing?  What doctor in their right mind would agree to facilitate such a thing?  What idiot would donate the bodily fluids for such a thing?

Then the publicist starts talking about how wonderful and bright and "motherly" this woman is.  She's smart, (papered) in child development...working on her Masters.  A lovely woman that just wants to tell her story.  She has had soooo many offers of TV shows and books and appearances.  All of which should be filmed FROM THE DAMN MENTAL INSTITUTE!

Okay, personally, I don't give a rat's ass about this woman.  In fact, the world would be a better place without her batshit crazy self in it.  Harsh you say?  Tell that to all eight of these innocent human beings who will now spend the rest of their life with numerous disabilities -  physical and mental, little time being held and cuddled, little bonding with one insane parent, sharing a bedroom with 8,9,10, 14 other needy siblings and tolerating the rest of the world who will exploit them from their first (medically assisted) breath until the day they die.  Now how is that for harsh.  My heart aches to think of these tiny little babies and what a crappy family they chose to join.  I can only hope they had a reason for coming into such a train wreck of a life.  Perhaps one will cure cancer and another will be a great leader.  However, if the gene pool is any indication, we might not get much from this group.  Sigh.

I just happened to flip on O'Reilly last night while I brushed my teeth.  Apparently, I'm not the only one who is just enraged about this situation.

I think he is right on target.  Anybody want to challenge me on this one....come on....let's hear some other opinions!

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