Since our May PCB trip was ever so strange we decided that a “do over”was needed…. we’ll use any excuse to head South. Fall, like the late Spring, is a perfect time to hit the Beach. Sheeple are back to school and we once again have the beach to ourselves, more or less. That’s the Way, uh huh uh huh, We Like It, uh huh, uh huh! I sing a little KC tune because we had a certain someone joining us for this adventure…someone who loves KC, loves the beach, and LOVES the two little beach bums….yep, Mamaw!
And for a limited, 24 hour engagement, some other Maxwells, Steve, Gina, Christopher and Heather joined us. We arrived to more clouds than sun so we did the appropriate thing and headed straight for the beach and WAVES! Mamaw and Dagon were the first surfers in!
Seager, Christopher and Heather followed.
PCB does not always have waves…but this day was different!
As the afternoon progressed the clouds eventually faded away revealing a beautiful rainbow and the moon.
Yep, there it was, right there under the rainbow. Weird, but cool. We spent the rest of that day enjoying the beach, under the watchful eye of the moon. Day one…complete success despite a cloudy start.
Day two, after a lovely, and uneventful, breakfast, we bid farewell to the 24 hour Maxwells and proceeded to enjoy our private resort. It seem as if we had the place to ourselves…I was thrilled…Big Daddy, not so much. He loves the buzz of conversations to eaves drop on and the possibility of meeting someone that is mildly interesting or clinically insane. Doesn’t matter to him, as long as they will chit chat he just doesn’t care. So the social butterfly was reduced to this…
and this….
and this…
in fact, I don’t think I have ever seen him sit in one spot for that long…ever. I’m thinking the Universe knew that he probably needed some down time and boy did he get it!
Since Mamaw was in attendance, she got most of the attention from the Boys. It was nice to have an extra pair of eyes to watch them, meaning I could relax a little too!
They know that she always has snacks and ALWAYS has a cup with a straw and something very tasty inside!
We hung by the pool
and the hot tub
and after dinner returned to the beach for our sunset ritual. These pictures were not taken with my “toy” because I was too lazy relaxed after dinner to walk to the room and fetch it. See the difference?
Seager got to play photographer too!
Day two…relaxing! Day three…Waterpark Photoshoot! I think they are finally getting the idea of standing still for the photographer. Seager is becoming quite the model
and since it’s always monkey see-monkey do with the two of them, Dagon decided it was his turn to pose. Unfortunately, Seager was determined to sabotage Dagon’s moment in the sun.
and as you can see it didn’t go well. Luckily for Dagon, Mommy is a whiz at photo editing!
And so the battle began…
and continued
until Splash swam in and created a diversion!
We cleaned up and headed for the early bird dinner specials so we could get back for sunset. I had met a lovely woman earlier who I offered to photograph. She was eight months pregnant and I really wanted to create some beautiful pictures for her and her family at sunset. I was NOT disappointed! The sunset was perfectly beautiful and so was she!
The lower the sun got, the more dramatic the photos…gorgeous!
I ended day three having filled my creative quota for the day – plus some! And I also prevented World War III…barely.
Day four, our last full day, brought an unprecedented surprise! As rough as the ocean was on day one …this day was the complete opposite. Crystal, and I mean CRYSTAL clear and calm water of the bluest blues insisted that we head to the beach and stay there, all day! These conditions call for three things…more photographs
para sky sailing and
This was the most fun of all! The water was so clear you could see the fish swimming around your legs and crabs and other creatures moving about…even a baby stingray! You will notice not many other humans in the water. While we were fascinated by the underwater wildlife, several people entered and then quickly exited the water, screeching, after feeling the little fish grazing their legs or glimpsing a creature. Wimps! Day four ended up being a school day with lots of hands on educational fun…they didn’t even know they were in school. We’ll call it Beach Schooling!
Then it happened, as it always does, day five. I was awakened early with the sniffling of tears and disappointment, not me (but I was considering it) but Seager. It would appear that Mamaw escaped to enjoy her last morning at the beach with a sunrise stroll…alone! And Seager was devastated. Now most people know that I am NOT a morning person but not my weeping firstborn child. The only answer was to get up, get dressed and escort the child to the beach in search of his Mamaw.
I’ll have to admit, it was quite lovely out there but not as lovely as my warm, dream filled snoozing. (I have my best dreams in the morning hours) Anyway, the missing Mamaw was located
and all was right with the world, well Seager’s anyway. I still had to get everything packed and loaded. Uggg.
We decided to spend one last hour by the pool and this was the last picture we took as we left the pool deck. I’m thinking our expressions say it all.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. Sniff.
We totally enjoyed having Mamaw join us on this expedition. Maybe next time she can convince Papoo to take a break and enjoy some beach time with us.
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