As most of you already know...we found Santa at the beach!
He was soooo cooperative and more than excited to spend a few days just hangin' with the Maxwells! Ha. When we found him, he was happily relaxing with his entourage.
We won't go into the negotiations between he and I, but he had to be persuaded and I got the persuading done. He was easily swayed, I might add. I have that effect sometimes. TMI?
The 2009 Christmas card finalists were... and this one, which I did print a few of and send out to some. I called it the "artsy fartsy" shot...
And the winner...
The Blooper Reel is in the next post. Be sure to see what really happened!
We left Santa there at the beach to enjoy the rest of his vacation. Since he was "off the clock" the boys still needed to put in their gift orders. That, of course, means a trip to the mall, joy of joys. It is fun to watch all the different reactions from different kids. Some dressed up, some not, some screaming, some just 5 days old. All cute in their own way.
No wavering with my boys though. It's an all business interaction, get in, smile for the camera,
place the order,
Done deal. Notice the's back!!!
Both were quizzed on what they were going to ask for. I had been trying to explain to Seager that Santa might NOT bring the Wii that he was going to ask for. And what do you think was right there beside Santa's feet...
I hope those marketing people get a reindeer turd, just for being evil elves. What's a budgetized Mom & Dad to do with such a request. I have no idea. As far as Dagon's order, he tells you something different every time you ask. I think he's doing it on purpose, but I'm just not sure. He's sneaky, that one. As a last ditch effort, I think we may send Santa an email with our revised list. So who knows what Santa might leave under the tree but he better decide soon!
I have definitely had enough "Santa" to last me for another 11 months. Ho, Ho, Ho.
1 comment:
Are you in the bed yet? Great Job on the blog, looks like alot of work. Maybe next year you can hire some little people for elves, or maybe a reindeer. Or if your in Alabama you can use a goat with antlers. Happy to see that mamaw now has a picture on the internet of her in her bathing suit. Funny!
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