Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Great Mohawk Incident

Dagon finally got the courage to cut his hair short like his brother.  As Erin cut his hair, it naturally took shape into a faux mohawk.  Dagon was quite impressed with this turn of events and left the salon sporting his new "do".  It was so cute, I had to get a shot...not a good one, but a shot.  I would have taken more had I known what the future would bring.mohawk before

Fast forward a week later.  It's a Friday night.  Everyone is showered and coiffed for our weekly Los Reyes rendezvous with friends, salsa and that annoying Mariachi music.   I am driving, I stop at a red light, I look in the rearview mirror to see if Dagon has dozed off.  My brain cannot reconcile what my eyes see.  I turn around to get a better look and what do I see?  Dagon, scalped!  Have Indians (Native Americans for you PC people) entered my house and scalped my child?   I'm shocked and screaming "what happened to your hair"?  Daddy, who had put the kid in the car, hadn't noticed this painful sight.  I ask again, what has happened to your hair.  Dagon seems to be unaffected by this issue and offers no explanation.  An awful, sick feeling stuck with me the rest of the evening.  When we got home, I found the evidence.  Dagon had taken his craft scissors and just cut off the Mohawk, down to the scalp.  This was very easy due to the stiff gel that was in his usually cotton-candy like hair.  I gathered the little stiff, blond spikes and placed some lovingly in a little ziploc, to be used for embarrassment purposes one day in the future.  Here is the painful sight...mohawk after

The next few weeks were spent explaining what happened and hearing 90% of people relay their own self-inflicted haircutting adventures.  Dagon got very upset with me whenever I told the story.  I think he was quite regretful.    The recovery will take awhile but hopefully he will be back to normal by Christmas!

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