Friday, May 01, 2009

He's everywhere

I thought I was special.  For years, my life has been viewed from above.  I just assumed I was That Important.

It all started at the wedding.  I thought it was just a good luck flyover.  I was kind of touched that ole George cared.afo5

Then we went on our honeymoon to Tahiti and it happened again! (oh to be that skinny again,  boo hoo.)  afo6

Seager was shocked at his first encounter.  afo1

Dagon proudly showed off his first steps on the beach.  afo7But was unimpressed the second time it happened.  afo2

We tried to escape the watchful "eye" on a trip to the Dominican Republic.  afo3

And I know for a fact that Grandmommy was shocked to see such a big bird.afo8

Then the unthinkable.  George was no longer aboard.  Joe  was the first to be buzzed by the new guy while fishing in Costa Rica.    afo4

Look out Uncle Steve, The One might just land there to visit all his peeps!  afo11But the final straw was this evening.  If you've been to my house, you know that we are nestled amongst huge trees.  And huge trees produce lots of sticks.  After many months of stick collecting, we piled them up and prepared to get rid of them.  Of course, being a retired pyromaniac, the logical thing was to set the pile on fire.  And not a moment too soon!  The burning ban goes into effect May 1.  Big Daddy, in his usual fashion, suggested gasoline to "get things going".  I didn't fall for that trick.  A few strategically placed squirts of lighter fluid was all this professional needed.  Little did I know that The One was on to me and flew by just as my little campfire got going good.  You are not going to believe what happened... afo9

that SOB called the fire department!  afo10Seager and Dagon were thrilled that the Fire Truck came to our house.  The Firemen couldn't have been nicer and were satisfied that I had the whole thing under control. No harm no foul.  Whew!  I was gonna send that bill to DC had I been fined.

So, watch out my friends.  You never know when The One will do a flyover and check out what you are doing.  If you are worried about how much all this surveillance is costing, don't.  They just print up whatever they need to spend.  No big deal.

This is just too easy.  Why do they have to make it so easy? 


Wes said...

2:21 AM....WTF

Wes said...

You're too much girl, great blog.
love ya!