Friday, March 20, 2009

Good for a Laugh

This will perhaps be the most outrageous WTF post to date.  Forget all this wealth envy - which I think is just getting ridiculous.  Forget stupid people who fall skiing and choose to send the paramedics away and subsequently die - duh.  Forget the fact that President TelePrompTer didn't realize for over 20 seconds that he was reading the wrong speech and thanked himself for "being there".  Ooo, Ooo, I know!  Let's make our brave Armed Service men and women pay for their own medical bills after getting blown up defending us all.....nope, forget that.  How about the one where the two women get knocked up, each carrying the other woman's child, but to keep it "normal" they used the same sperm donor...nah.  This is more weird than even that. 

So with that set-up I shall reveal the insanity.  You sure you can handle it?  Wait...Wait...As of today, around noonish, I am officially a Soccer Mom.  Good God in Heaven how could this happen you ask?

Those that know me well, know this might just tilt the Earth's axis and cause REAL global warming.  But wait, it gets better...I'm also an assistant coach.  WTF?  This happened even though I absolutely, positively screamed a disclaimer that I knew virtually NOTHING about soccer.  I even have a bright yellow shirt with "COACH" on the back.  Quit your laughing!  I can hear you all the way over here!  Of course, Big Daddy has taken great pleasure in referring to me as Coach this evening.

Just for the record, this is Homeschool Soccer.  We homeschoolers have our kids participate for exercise and social skills and as a bonus they get to learn to play soccer.  It is very laid back, all run by volunteers and the kids have a blast.  Just once per week, at 1:00 in the afternoon.  No night games, practices, crazy sport deranged parents and no 8:00 a.m. Saturday mornings.

So there.  Seager and Dagon were so excited to get new soccer balls and Seager even got special socks.  He was so proud.  Of course, I took pictures! SeagersoccerDagonsoccersoccerboys

If you find yourself still stunned, get this, t-ball starts on the 31st.  Just in time for Seager's big birthday celebration.  So I guess you could say that the "ban" on sporty things for the boys has been lifted.  I do reserve the right, however, to forever ban football.  I have no intentions of ever changing that one.  The times they are a changin' (in more ways than I would like.)

We also have big news for Big Daddy!  He got himself a Blackberry and is slowly learning all it can do for him during his busy day.  He loves it so far!

So there, I'm expecting some heckling and teasing.  Go ahead, bring it on.

Happy Spring to you all!  Pollen, Yea!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Careful, Angela. The boys might actually enjoy playing sports and (gasp) actually be good at it!

Anonymous said...

so where's this homeschool soccer? miss V might need to join in at some point - especially if it doesn't involve 8am games on saturdays. :)