Liar, Liar pants on fire! Lookie Lookie here what folks have found in the Stimulus Bill...
400 million - global warming research
2.4 Billion - carbon-capture demonstration projects
1.5 Billion - carbon capturing contest
4.5 Billion - to make military facilities more energy efficient
200 million - for Department of Defense to acquire alternative energy vehicles
200 million - for DOD to add plug-in car stations for above vehicles
600 million - new government cars
32 Billion - for a "smart electricity grid" to reduce waste
1.5 Billion - to construct "green schools"
10 million - bike and walking trails
850 million - to prevent forest fires
200 million - new sod for the National Mall in DC
50 million - to NASA for storm damage repairs
572 million - to Coast Guard to create 1,235 new jobs which equals out to $460,000 per job creation
150 million - to Smithsonian
1 Billion - to Amtrak which hasn't turned a profit in 40 years
50 million - to the National Endowment for the Arts
4 Billion - to ACORN
462 million - to CDC for equipment and renovations
66 Billion - to education with this stipulation..."No recipient shall use such funds to provide financial assistance for students to attend private elementary or secondary schools." Only government schools apply
1 Billion - for the 2010 census
245 million - tax breaks for big budget movie investors aka Hollyweird
650 million - for more digital TV conversion coupons
2.8 Billion - for rural broadband projects
335 million - for STD education & prevention
400 million - for HIV and chlamydia testing
75 million - for smoking cessation
420 million - to combat avian flu
1.5 Billion - for homelessness prevention activities
252 Billion - in income transfer payments - you know this as income redistribution or welfare
and last but not least (I just got tired of making the list)
227 million - for oversight of the pork barrel spending in the stimulus.
Now are you pissed off...what's it gonna take????
The House voted no on this crap. Now it's off to the Senators. You can make a difference!
Click on this link
Pick your Senators and click on the Web form link. It takes you to a fill in the blank and bitch form. FILL IT OUT! It will take 3 minutes tops. Send them the message that you are pissed and you aren't gonna take it anymore. There are at least 57 million of us who didn't want this administration and I would assume that not all who voted for Obama are on board for this kind of idiocy. That means 60 million+. WTF? Where is the outcry? Good God... take some control and make your voice heard!
You can now go back to searching for recipes, American Idol rejects, kittens on You Tube or whatever else is more important to you than making your voice heard.
Thank you and good night.
1 comment:
i am livid.
the whole place is being flushed down the toilet.
costa rica is looking pretty nice right now :)
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