Sunday, January 04, 2009

Back to Reality...

It's over!  The insanity is over.  Unfortunately, the post-Christmas elves have failed to show up and pack away all this festive stuff.  Guess I'll have to do it again.  No complaints here though, we just spent 5 days at Mexico Beach with pretty decent weather.  Joe and I both wrapped up 2008 with a massage on the beach, some great seafood and the boys swam, ran on the beach and swam some more.  We rang in the new year with great friends and high hopes.  It's always good to end one year and start a new one on a beachy note! 

Speaking of beachy... we hope you enjoyed the Christmas card.  What you don't know is how many pictures it takes to get one or two that are "acceptable", or if you get lucky, you have so many good shots that there are lots of left-overs.  Aunt Lori has compiled the extras into a slide show for you all.  As usual, her talents are amazing and we appreciate all her efforts... Enjoy!

Thank you to all who sent us cards, pictures and 2008 update letters!  It's so exciting to hear of the wonderful accomplishments and milestones from all of you!  I had to add several names to the list this year and didn't delete any!  Guess that's pretty lucky to have had a year where you added friends and didn't lose anyone you care about.

We had a fun Christmas but didn't take many pictures.  We just enjoyed it without the pressure of capturing every second on some sort of digital format.  There were a couple of hysterical moments at Mamaw's on Christmas Eve, pictures were taken.  It was a Muslim Moment for sure and if I get those shots I will be sure to share them.  It was one of those moments that the picture is worth more than a thousand virgins words!

Since it is now 2009, I guess it's time to rev up the resolutions.  Since I did so well last year, I am under extreme pressure to be just as successful this year.  I hope to lose some pounds and inches but  I know this will involve a good bit of movement on my part.  There is only so much food you can eliminate and since that hasn't seemed to work, my only option is to get moving.  This is going to be tough and I'd like to get'r done before May...double tough.  Any words of encouragement or suggestions for a magic diet pill would be welcome.

Well, so far the 2009 blog is crap.  As I read back what I've just written, it's...well crap.  There's no humor or clever stories.  Sorry.  I'll try to do better next time.  My mind seems to be boggled up with all the things I want to do, need to do and have to do.  I think my first task will be putting those in the proper order... have to do, need to do and want to do.  I guess I better make a list and get busy. 

I hope you all had a safe and Happy New Year and here's hoping for a 2009 that is better than expected and more than we wish for.  Good Luck with that!

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